Our 2020 Chef’s Challenge and Spirits fundraising events have been combined into one virtual event to support and sustain our mentoring at this crucial time in our community.
Whether you invite friends to gather on your patio or participate from the comfort of your couch, we promise a night to remember when we will come together virtually to celebrate the accomplishments of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region, to enjoy the (virtual) company of the friends whose work made it all possible, and to raise the funds that will sustain our vital mentoring efforts through the rest of the year.
Please join us on Thursday, October 22, for BBBSCR’s virtual fundraiser, Our BIG Night In: A Celebration of Mentoring.
The festivities will include dinner (for pickup or delivery to your home), an extensive online auction, and a special online program (viewable at any day and time convenient for you) with inspiring speakers and an exclusive presentation of our mentoring impact on our community.
We hope you will join us this year on the Honorary Committee for this special virtual event. As a member of the committee, your support serves as a catalyst, providing financial support while encouraging others to join us for the evening and helping continue BBBSCR’s work. New this year: we are offering several Honorary Committee ticket levels.
Follow the link below to purchase Honorary Committee and Regular tickets.