Big Brothers Big Sisters Has a New Home!

On June 1, 2021, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region moved into a new co-working office space located on the corner of North Pearl and Steuben Streets in the heart of downtown Albany. This new office space is the result of a collaboration between the United Way and Redburn Development Partners to make quality office space available to local nonprofits operating on shoestring budgets. BBBSCR is thrilled to be among the first non-profit organizations to be included in United Way’s vision of community collaboration. By sharing amenities with other non-profits, BBBSCR will reduce our expenses. This enables us to invest more of our resources to expand our programs to meet the needs of children who are waiting to be matched to a Big.
On May 19th, the BBBSCR Board of Directors and staff held a meet-and-greet on the rooftop patio of the new building to kick off this great opportunity for the organization. CEO, Lea Montalto-Rook and Board President, Noelle Podoba spoke to those in attendance, thanking them for persevering through the challenges of the pandemic while looking ahead to a new chapter for BBBSCR.