Proceeds from this event directly support the professionally guided mentoring programs of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region.
Kayla Anderton, CrossFit For The People

Kayla Anderton is a local small business owner, with a passion for giving back. As Owner and Head Coach at CrossFit For The People, she starts and ends each day in a mindset of giving back to the incredible people who show up, choosing to better themselves and their lives through movement and a sense a community. She believes that through self care, and challenging ourselves physically and mentally, we are better equipped to serve the greater communities around us while lifting up those who need help.
Kayla is excited to contribute to the goals Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region and the Little Stars Big Styles Fashion Show, as she believes whole heartedly in the positive impact the organization has on Capital Region youth, and the greater community.
Little Kaylynn and Big Katie

Little Kaylynn and Big Katie have been matched since February of this year! For their first outing, they went ice skating at the Empire State Plaza! Kaylynn and Katie both love arts and crafts and playing outside. They also both love animals, especially cats! When Kaylynn grows up, she wants to be a veterinarian! Right now, Katie and Kaylynn are working on getting to know each other and developing a strong bond. They are so excited to have this opportunity to make a fun and unique memory!